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Thomas Müller, DDS

Professional Association of German Oral Surgeons


German Association of Implantology


German Society of Dental, Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences

International Congress of Oral Implantology

German Society of Oral Implantology


German Society for Dental Implantology

Curriculum vitae

Study of dentistry at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Ruperto Carolus University of Heidelberg)

Licence to practice dentistry awarded by the University of Heidelberg

General dentistry at the dental practice of Dr K. Müller

Advanced training in oral surgery at the practice clinic of Dr Bergmann/Chairman of the DGOI

Advanced training in oral surgery at the Bodensee-Hochrhein-Klinik, CH 8238 Büsingen-Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Dr B.F. Wuchner, Medical Director and Vice-President of the EAAPFS

Clinical traineeships / advanced training programmes: Cook Islands, Switzerland, France, USA

Establishment of an own dental practice in Nuremberg

Publications in numerous dental journals

Own patents in the implantology sector and in the area of dental prosthetics

Certification as a qualified implantologist (DGOI)

Certification according to the curriculum of the University of New York

Certification as a diplomat of the International Society of Oral Implantology (ICOI)

Sponsor dentist of the DGOI

Zahnkultur Nürnberg – Ihr Zahnarzt in Nürnberg